Strategic Capital, Inc.

Lecture / Conference

Lecture / Conference

CJEB Annual Tokyo Conference 2019

◆August 2019

On May 28, 2019, Mr. Maruki, CEO of Strategic Capital Inc., was a guest panelist at the CJEB Annual Tokyo Conference. The video can be found at the following location below. Mr. Maruki’s remarks can be found between 26:25 to 37:12.

Panel II: Shareholder Engagement: How Investors Talk to Companies(YouTube)

◆July, 2019

Summary Report of CJEB Annual Tokyo Conference held on 28th May.
Please see page10 to 12.

U.S.-Japan Relations in a New Era:Trade, Governance, and the Global Economy(PDF)

◆May, 2019

Mr. Maruki, CEO of Strategic Capital Inc., participated at the “CJEB Annual Tokyo Conference” as a panelist on May 28th, 2019.

CJEB Annual Tokyo Conference 2019 Agenda

CJEB Tokyo conference Flyer
