Strategic Capital, Inc.



Shareholder Proposals to Japan Securities Finance Co., Ltd. regarding the Bank of Japan’s Amakudari

◆April 25th, 2022

Strategic Capital, Inc. (hereinafter referred to as “Strategic Capital”) is under a discretionary investment contract with INTERTRUST TRUSTEES (CAYMAN) LIMITED SOLELY IN ITS CAPACITY AS TRUSTEE OF JAPAN-UP (hereinafter referred to as the “Fund”) and the Fund and Strategic Capital hold over 300 units of voting right of Japan Securities Finance Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “JSF”) over 6 months.

The Fund and Strategic Capital are pleased to announce that, on April 21st, 2022, we notified JSF of our execution of the shareholders’ right to make a proposal at the annual shareholder meeting held in the coming June and confirmed that, on April 22nd,2022, JSF certainly received the documents of the proposal.
Please visit our campaign website “Stop the Descent – the Bank of Japan’s Amakudari into Japan Securities Finance for details.

A brief detail of the Bank of Japan’s Amakudari and our proposal is as followings.
PRESS RELEASE regarding Japan Securities Finance Co., Ltd. (8511)