Strategic Capital, Inc.

News Release

News Release


Shareholder Proposals to WAKITA & CO., LTD.    News_icon
2025.03.11 Update
Key measures regarding the Principles for Customer-Oriented Business Operations
2025.03.07 In the Media
Article in NIKKEI Asia
2025.02.28 Past
2025.02.26 In the Media
Advertisement in the Nikkei newspaper
2025.02.17 Current
A special website for WAKITA & CO., LTD. is now available.
2025.02.03 Update
We have updated our Team Profile.
2025.01.30 Current
A special website for GUNGHO ONLINE ENTERTAINMENT, INC. is now available.
2025.01.29 Lecture / Conference
Osaka Research Institute of Japan Securities Research Institute
2025.01.27 Current
A special website for GOLDCREST CO., LTD. is now available.
2025.01.27 Current
Initiation of a judicial procedure and launch of a special website for GOLDCREST CO., LTD. (8871)
2025.01.14 Lecture / Conference
WASEDA Business School (Graduate School of Business and Finance)
2025.01.06 Update
Strategic Capital’s Stewardship Activities Report 2024 is now available.


2024.12.20 In the Media
Interview with Mergermarket
2024.12.20 Past
Arisawa Mfg. Co., Ltd.
2024.11.28 Letters to Management
Letter to Nippon Steel
2024.11.27 In the Media
Article in NIKKEI Asia
2024.09.18 Awards
HFM APAC Performance Awards 2024
2024.08.05 Past
A special website for Japan Securities Finance Co., Ltd. is now available.
2024.08.05 Past
A special website for BUNKA SHUTTER CO., LTD. is now available.
2024.08.05 Past
A special website for DAIDOH LIMITED is now updated.
2024.07.18 Vote Results
The result of proxy voting rights exercised in May and June 2024
2024.07.09 In the Media
Advertisement in the Nikkei newspaper
2024.06.28 In the Media
Article in Bloomberg
2024.06.26 In the Media
Article in Bloomberg
DAIDOH LTD. interfering with fair resolution at the AGM.
Our opinion on the response to the AGM by DAIDOH LTD.
The rebuttals of DAIDOH LTD (3205) to our opinion.
2024.06.11 Update
We revised the guidelines for exercising proxy voting rights.
2024.06.04 Current
A special website for KYOKUTO KAIHATSU KOGYO CO., LTD. is now available.
The Withdrawal of a part of Shareholder Proposal to TOA ROAD CORP.
2024.05.29 In the Media
Proxy Talk hosted by GLASS LEWIS.
Candidates for the Board of Directors proposed by DAIDOH LTD.
The Withdrawal of a part of Shareholder Proposal to OSAKA STEEL CO., LTD.
The Withdrawal of a part of Shareholder Proposal to YODOGAWA STEEL WORKS LTD.
2024.05.17 In the Media
Interview with Deal Reporter
2024.05.14 Current
A special website for NISSAN SHATAI CO., LTD. is now available.
2024.05.10 Current
A special website for OSAKA STEEL CO., LTD. is now available.
2024.05.08 Current
A special website for TOA ROAD CORP. is now available.
Shareholder Proposals to BUNKA SHUTTER CO., LTD.
Shareholder Proposals to OSAKA STEEL CO., LTD.
Shareholder Proposals to TOA ROAD CORP.
Shareholder Proposals to KYOKUTO KAIHATSU KOGYO CO., LTD.
Shareholder Proposals to KEIHANSHIN BUILDING CO., LTD.
Shareholder Proposals to NISSAN SHATAI CO., LTD.
2024.04.30 Current
A special website for Keihanshin Building Co.,Ltd. is now available.
2024.04.24 Current
A special website for Yodogawa Steel Works, Ltd. is now available.
Shareholder Proposals to Yodogawa Steel Works, Ltd.
2024.04.24 In the Media
Advertisement in the Nikkei newspaper
Shareholder Proposals to DAIDOH LIMITED
Shareholder Proposals to WAKITA & CO., LTD.
2024.01.15 Lecture / Conference
WASEDA Business School (Graduate School of Business and Finance)
2024.01.04 Update
Strategic Capital’s Stewardship Activities Report 2023 is now available.


2023.11.10 Awards
HFM Asian Performance Awards 2023
2023.09.28 Update
Our Mission and Values
2023.08.24 Past
2023.07.31 Past
2023.07.05 Vote Results
The result of proxy voting rights exercised in May and June 2023
2023.06.23 Letters to Management
Ruling of the Tokyo District Court on shareholders lawsuit concerning of SEIKITOKYU
2023.06.20 In the Media
Advertisement in the Nikkei newspaper
2023.06.14 Update
We revised the guidelines for exercising proxy voting rights.
Rejection of Shareholder Proposal to DAIDOH LTD.
Shareholder Proposals to DAIDOH LIMITED
Shareholder Proposals to KYOKUTO KAIHATSU KOGYO CO., LTD.
Shareholder Proposals to Japan Securities Finance Co., Ltd.
Shareholder Proposals to TACHI-S CO., LTD.
Shareholder Proposals to BUNKA SHUTTER CO., LTD.
Shareholder Proposals to WAKITA & CO., LTD.
2023.02.22 Past
2023.02.01 In the Media
Article in Thomson Reuters
2023.01.26 In the Media
Advertisement in the Nikkei newspaper
2023.01.16 Lecture / Conference
WASEDA Business School (Graduate School of Business and Finance)
2023.01.04 Update
Strategic Capital’s Stewardship Activities Report 2022 is now available.


2022.12.01 In the Media
Article in the Weekly Diamond regarding the proposal to investigate the amakudari at JSF
2022.11.25 In the Media
Deal Reporter coverage regarding the request to call an EGM for JSF
2022.11.24 In the Media
Interview with Deal Reporter
To Resolve JSF’s ESG Issue Caused by the BOJ, MOF and the TSE, We Have Requested an Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders.
2022.11.18 Update
We revised the Privacy Policy.
2022.09.12 Lecture / Conference
Japan Board Diversity Network (JBDN) Presentation
2022.08.26 Lecture / Conference
CLSA Webinar Recording “Activist Strategic Capital’s view 2022”
2022.08.22 Past
2022.07.28 In the Media
Advertisement in the Nikkei newspaper
2022.07.19 Vote Results
The result of proxy voting rights exercised in May and June 2022
2022.06.27 Update
Policy for managing conflicts of interest
2022.06.13 Update
We revised the Stewardship Code.
2022.06.09 General Meeting
Proceedings of WAKITA AGM (2022)
2022.06.08 Update
We revised the guidelines for exercising proxy voting rights.
2022.06.08 Lecture / Conference
ACCJ Japan Shareholder Forum
The Withdrawal of a part of Shareholder Proposal to KYOKUTO BOEKI KAISHA, LTD.
The Withdrawal of a part of Shareholder Proposal to TACHI-S CO., LTD.
The Withdrawal of Shareholder Proposal to ARISAWA MFG. CO., LTD.
The Withdrawal of a part of Shareholder Proposal to BUNKA SHUTTER CO., LTD.
The Withdrawal of a part of Shareholder Proposal to KYOKUTO KAIHATSU KOGYO CO., LTD.
The Withdrawal of a part of Shareholder Proposal to SEIKITOKYU KOGYO CO., LTD.
2022.05.13 In the Media
Interview regarding SEIKITOKYU KOGYO CO., LTD. (1898) with DEALREPORTER
The Withdrawal of a part of Shareholder Proposal to TACHI-S CO., LTD.
2022.05.10 In the Media
Interview regarding Japan Securities Finance Co., Ltd. (8511) with DEALREPORTERwith DEALREPORTER
2022.05.08 Update
We revised the guidelines for exercising proxy voting rights.
Shareholder Proposals to ARISAWA MFG. CO., LTD.
Shareholder Proposals to TACHI-S CO., LTD.
Shareholder Proposals to KYOKUTO BOEKI KAISHA, LTD.
Shareholder Proposals to SEIKITOKYU KOGYO CO., LTD.
2022.04.26 In the Media
Bloomberg article on our shareholder proposal to JSF
Shareholder Proposals to Japan Securities Finance Co., Ltd. regarding the Bank of Japan’s Amakudari
Shareholder Proposals to BUNKA SHUTTER CO., LTD.
2022.04.20 Current
A special website for KYOKUTO KAIHATSU KOGYO CO., LTD. is now available.
Shareholder Proposals to KYOKUTO KAIHATSU KOGYO CO., LTD.
Shareholder Proposals to WAKITA & CO., LTD.
2022.01.11 Lecture / Conference
WASEDA Business School (Graduate School of Business and Finance)
2022.01.04 Update
Strategic Capital’s Stewardship Activities Report 2021 is now available.


2021.12.28 Lecture / Conference
Japan Securities Research Institute
2021.12.01 Lecture / Conference
AIMA Japan Annual Forum 2021
2021.11.22 Update
We are pleased to announce that Strategic Capital has become an endorser of the ICGN Global Stewardship Principles.
2021.10.30 Lecture / Conference
Japan M&A Forum 2021
2021.10.26 Update
Supporting the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) Recommendations
2021.10.26 Update
We revised the ESG Policy.
2021.10.14 Lecture / Conference
CS Japan Hedge Fund Roundtable
2021.08.18 Letters to Management
Letter to Kyokuto Boeki
2021.08.13 In the Media
2021.06.29 General Meeting
The annual shareholders meeting of ASANUMA (Link to our dedicated website)
2021.06.28 General Meeting
The annual shareholders meeting of ARISAWA (Link to our dedicated website)
2021.06.28 Vote Results
The result of exercising of proxy voting rights in May and June
2021.06.25 General Meeting
The annual shareholders meeting of JSF (Japanese)
2021.06.24 General Meeting
The annual shareholders meeting of TACHI-S (Japanese)
2021.06.24 General Meeting
The annual shareholders meeting of KYOKUTO (Link to our dedicated website)
2021.06.24 General Meeting
The annual shareholders meeting of SEIKITOKYU (Link to our dedicated website)
2021.06.23 In the Media
Interview with Ignites Asia
2021.06.23 General Meeting
The annual shareholders meeting of BUNKA SHUTTER (Link to our dedicated website)
2021.06.18 Update
We revised the Fiduciary Duty.
The Execution of Voting Form at the Shareholder’s Meeting and Introduction of our Special Website for ARISAWA
The Execution of Voting Form at the Shareholder’s Meeting and Introduction of our Special Website for SEIKITOKYU
The Execution of Voting Form at the Shareholder’s Meeting and Introduction of our Special Website for ASANUMA
The Execution of Voting Form at the Shareholder’s Meeting and Introduction of our Special Website for KYOKUTO
The Withdrawal of a part of Shareholder Proposal to SEIKITOKYU KOGYO CO., LTD.
2021.06.02 General Meeting
The annual shareholders meeting of WAKITA (Link to our dedicated website)
2021.05.21 In the Media
Featured in ICGN
2021.05.14 In the Media
Advertisement in the WEEKLY DIAMOND
Shareholder Proposal Disqualified by BUNKA SHUTTER CO., LTD.
The Execution of Voting Form at the Shareholder’s Meeting and Introduction of our Special Website for WAKITA
Shareholder Proposals to KYOKUTO BOEKI KAISHA, LTD.
Shareholder Proposals to BUNKA SHUTTER CO.,LTD.
Shareholder Proposals to ARISAWA MFG. CO., LTD.
Shareholder Proposals to SEIKITOKYU KOGYO CO.,LTD.
Shareholder Proposals to ASANUMA CORPORATION
2021.04.13 Update
ESG Policy
Shareholder Proposals to WAKITA & CO., LTD.
2021.04.01 Update
Website has been renewed.
2021.03.19 Update
We revised the guidelines for exercising proxy voting rights.
2021.02.15 Update
We revised the Fiduciary Duty.
2021.02.04 Lecture / Conference
Meeting at Japan Association of Corporate Directors
2021.01.27 Our Opinions
SC provided its opinions regarding the CGC to the ICGN (2)
2021.01.25 Update
Signatory of Principles for Responsible Investment
2021.01.21 Letters to Management
Letter to Keihanshin Bldg.
2021.01.15 Letters to Management
Letter to Keihanshin Bldg.
2021.01.13 Letters to Management
Notice from Sunshine H Investment Partnership – Regarding the Results of the Tender Offer for the common shares of Keihanshin Building Co. Ltd. (8818)
2021.01.04 Update
We released Stewardship Activities Report 2020.


2020.12.18 Letters to Management
Action to pursue liability for damages against Representative Directors etc. of SEIKITOKYU
2020.12.18 In the Media
Article in Thomson Reuters
2020.12.17 Letters to Management
Notice from Sunshine H Investment Partnership – Regarding a Change to the Tender Offer bid for the common shares of Keihanshin Building Co. Ltd. (8818)
2020.11.19 Our Opinions
SC provided its opinions regarding the CGC to the ICGN
2020.11.17 Letters to Management
Notice from Sunshine H Investment Partnership-Tender Offeror’s Answer to Keihanshin Building Co. Ltd. (8818)
2020.11.05 Lecture / Conference
13D Monitor Active-Passive summit
2020.11.04 Letters to Management
Notice from Sunshine H Investment Partnership on Tender Offer for Keihanshin Bldg (8818) shares
2020.10.20 Lecture / Conference
Mergermarket Japan M&A Forum
2020.10.14 Letters to Management
Request for the filing of actions enforcing the liability of directors of SEIKITOKYU
2020.09.14 Lecture / Conference
Annual Conference of the Society for the Economic Studies of Securities
2020.09.01 Lecture / Conference
CLSA Webinar Recording “Activist Strategic Capital’s view 2020”
2020.07.14 Vote Results
The result of exercising of proxy voting rights in June
2020.06.29 General Meeting
The annual shareholders meeting of CHORI (Link to our dedicated website)
2020.06.29 General Meeting
The annual shareholders meeting of KEIHANSHIN (Link to our dedicated website)
2020.06.29 General Meeting
The annual shareholders meeting of SEIKITOKYU (Link to our dedicated website)
2020.06.29 General Meeting
The annual shareholders meeting of TORAY (Link to our dedicated website)
2020.06.29 General Meeting
The annual shareholders meeting of ARISAWA (Japanese)
2020.06.29 General Meeting
The annual shareholders meeting of ASANUMA (Link to our dedicated website)
2020.06.11 Update
We revised the guidelines for exercising proxy voting rights.
2020.06.09 In the Media
Advertisement in the Nikkei newspaper
2020.06.04 In the Media
Interview with DEALREPORTER
2020.06.03 Update
A special website for ASANUMA CORP. is now available.
2020.05.26 Update
A special website for KYOKUTO BOEKI KAISHA, Ltd. is now available.
2020.05.25 Update
We revised the Stewardship Code.
2020.05.20 Update
A special website for SEIKITOKYU KOGYO CO.,LTD. is now available.
Shareholder Proposals to KYOKUTO BOEKI KAISHA, LTD.
2020.05.13 Update
A special website for Chori & Toray has been updated.
2020.05.13 Update
A special website for Keihanshin Building Co., Ltd. has been updated.
Shareholder Proposals to ASANUMA CORPORATION
Shareholder Proposals to Arisawa Mfg. Co., Ltd.
Shareholder Proposals to Toray Industries, Inc.
2020.04.27 Awards
Preqin Top Performing Hedge Funds in 2019
Shareholder Proposals to SEIKITOKYU KOGYO CO.,LTD.
Shareholder Proposals to CHORI CO.,LTD.
Shareholder Proposals to Keihanshin Building Co., Ltd.
2020.04.14 Our Opinions
Request regarding accessing the AGM through the internet this year
2020.04.07 Lecture / Conference
Columbia Business School CJEB Panel Discussion
2020.03.06 Update
A special website for Chori & Toray is now available.
2020.02.10 Awards
2019 BarclayHedge's Yearly performance rankings
2020.01.27 Update
We released Stewardship Activities Report 2019.
2020.01.27 Update
We revised the Stewardship Code.
2020.01.22 Update
We revised the guidelines for exercising proxy voting rights.
2020.01.16 Lecture / Conference
Japan Corporate Governance Network
2020.01.14 Lecture / Conference
Hitotsubashi University Panel Discussion
2020.01.10 Letters to Management
2020.01.10 Update
A special website for Keihanshin Building Co., Ltd. is now available.